Contact Information: Advisor: Michelle Morneault ’08 207-461-0185
Peace is possible only as individuals and groups learn to live amicably with one another as friends. – Dr. Doris Twitchell Allen ’23, a founding member of AMW
The All Maine Women Honor Society was founded in 1925 to recognize distinguished leadership, scholarship and service to the University and campus community by outstanding women of the rising senior class.
On April 25, 1925, 80 women met in Balentine Hall – faculty, alumnae, and undergraduate representatives – to plan a pledging of members to this honorary organization. Ava Chadbourne, a faculty member in education assisted the founders in forming this organization. These women received support from President Clarence Little and Dean Caroline Colvin, the first honorary All Maine Woman.
All Maine Women is an honorary, but non-scholastic society and is currently made up of 12 rising seniors who are chosen on the basis of character, MAINE Spirit, honor, dignity, and willingness to accept responsibility. The group is self-perpetuating. Its members are pledged to uphold and promote the ideals, the standards and the traditions of the University of Maine. Its purpose is to act as a balance wheel on the campus, to cooperate with all organizations and movements, to carry on work which will tend to draw faculty, staff, students, and alumnae/alumni together, and at all times to stand by those things which are highest and best and most worthwhile in college life.
Members are considered the consummate role model for University of Maine women, and there is no greater tribute to the accomplishments of MAINE women than to be inducted into the All Maine Women Honor society. There is no greater responsibility than to live up to the ideals of the Society and to continue to serve the University of Maine, both on campus and in the world at large.