Class of 1977 Winter 2024 Class Note

Hello, all! As I write it’s a beautiful autumn day, but by the time you read this the holidays will be well behind us and some of us, including yours truly, will be hunkering down for winter.

I have only a couple of items to report on for this column. Stephan Bunker G has been recognized as the American Legion, Department of Maine Humanitarian of the Year. Commander Bunker began his military service in the US Army and ultimately retired as a Lt. Commander with the US Coast Guard. Over the years Stephan has worked as a policeman, an EMT, and as a firefighter. Currently he volunteers at the Travis Mills Foundation.

John Tribou writes that he retired after 40-plus years as a federal government employee. He started his career in California as a civilian with the Navy and moved to New Mexico to work for the Department of Energy. Since retiring he enjoys spending time catching up on his reading and volunteering at church. He states he has not been bored and does not regret retiring in the least.

Many of our classmates read the alumni magazine so please send along your news. Have a good winter and spring, and take time to do the things you love with those most dear to you. Cheers!